Basic SVG Box Assembly Instructions

SVG Box Templates - Basic Assembly Instructions

This “Quick Guide” will give instructions for all of the basic template layouts used for the box bases and lids. This guide may be downloaded.

Links to more detailed instructions with pictures and videos are found below each template style.

If you have a specialty template please check out our Tutorial page.

Several of the boxes are available in more than one template.  If you would like a different template than what is listed under the “Product Description” for the box base, please contact me via our Contact Page. 

Click here for a list of our 3D boxes with the SVG template sizes, styles and paper sizes required.

After cutting the template using your electronic cutting machine or scissors follow the instructions for your template style.

Main SVG Box Base or Main SVG Box Lid Template

Detailed instructions with pictures and video.

1. Fold on all dotted lines.
2. Place glue or two sided tape on all tabs and stick to the inside of the adjacent side.
(Small tabs on lids and small boxes are NOT perforated on the SVG template, but they still need to be folded.)

Lid Drawing Instructions
Main Layout Drawing Instructions

One Piece SVG Box Base Template

Detailed instructions with pictures and video.

1. Fold on all dotted lines.
2. Place glue or two sided tape on side tab and stick to adjacent side.
3. Place glue on the small bottom tabs, and fold over flap A or B.
4. Place glue on the bottom of tab A OR the top of tab B, and fold over to complete.

1 PC Base drawing instructions

Two Piece SVG Box Base Template

Detailed instructions with pictures and video.

1. Fold on all dotted lines.
2. Place glue or two sided tape on side tabs of back panel and stick to sides of front panel.
3. Place glue on the small bottom tabs, and fold over flap B.
4. Place glue on the bottom of tab A OR the top of tab B, and fold over tab A to complete.

2 PC Drawing Instructions

Two Piece B SVG Box Base

Detailed instructions with pictures and video.

1. Fold on all dotted lines.
2. Place glue or two sided tape on side tabs and stick to sides of the box.
3. Place glue on the small bottom tabs, and fold over flap B.
4. Place glue on the bottom of tab A OR the top of tab B, and fold tab A over to complete.

2 piece B base template

Two Piece B for the SVG Box Lid

Detailed instructions with pictures and video.

1. Fold on all dotted lines.
2. Place glue or two sided tape on side tabs of back panel and stick to sides of front panel.
3. Place glue on the small bottom tabs, and fold over small long tab.
4. Place glue on the top of the long skinny tab, and fold over the large tab to complete.
* The larger flap is the top of the lid.

2 piece B SVG Lid Template

Two Piece C SVG Box Base

Detailed instructions with pictures and video.

1. Fold on all dotted lines
2. *Place glue on the bottom OR top of the small middle tabs.
3. Place glue on the opposite side of the long center tab.
(For example if you put glue on the top of the small middle tabs, you will now put blue on the bottom of the long center tab. )
4. Now combine the left panel to the right panel by putting the long center tab of the right panel on top of the center of the left panel, and putting the two small center tabs or the right panel on the bottom of the left panel. (This creates a lock and allows the two sides to slide together without overlapping too far which maintains the correct size.)
5. Place glue on the outer tabs and attach to adjoining sides.

SVG Box Template (2pcC) - Drawing Instructions

Three Piece SVG Box Base Template

Detailed instructions with pictures and video.

1. Fold on Dotted lines.
2. Place glue on the side tabs of the large panel and attach to adjoining side.
3. Place glue on one of the small panel tabs. The tab closest to the large panel attaches to the bottom of the box on the inside. The other tab will attach to the closest side of the box.
4. Repeat for the other small panel.
* Glue the tabs on the inside of the box for a level finish.

3 PC Drawing Instructions

Three Piece B SVG Box Base

Detailed instructions with pictures and video.

1. Fold on Dotted lines.
2. Glue the side tabs to the side of the box to form a square.
3. Place glue the bottom tabs.
4. Place the bottom panel on the tabs.
(My preference is to glue the tabs inside the box, but it may be assembled either way.)

3pc-b instruction

Four Piece SVG Box Base Template

Detailed instructions with pictures.

1. Fold on Dotted lines.
2. Place glue on the side tabs of the large panel and attach to side panel next to it in the layout.
3. Place glue on one of the small panel tabs. The tab closest to the large panel attaches to the bottom of the box on the inside. The other tab will attach to the closest side of the box next to it.
4. Repeat for the medium panel.
5. Repeat for the other small panel.
* Glue the tabs on the inside of the box for a level finish.

Magazine Holder Style Box Templates

Detailed instructions with pictures and video.

SVG Flip Top Lid Box Sets

Detailed instructions with pictures and video.

SVG Fip Top Lid Box Sets / FCM Flip Top Lid Box Sets